"Be the change you want to see in the world." - Ghandi

Monday, December 26, 2011

A Few Things

I'm really excited about the fact that I have signed up to take Composition 1 at Northern this semester. It will be good for me to take it now so that I can have 2 classes under my belt by fall! (hopefully 3, Bio in the summer) I can't wait. This one has 2 books that I have to buy for this one, but I can get those cheap on Amazon. Plus this class is only...wait for it.....700 dollars! I know, wow. But I get $300 back for passing with a C or higher, which is awesome since my math class was $900.

Friday I finally got my ACCEPTANCE letter to PC! I'm SO excited about that :) This is why I want to get as many classes that I can done at Northern as possible because their classes are much less expensive. I've been talking with a friend that I work with who is going to PC for RadTech also and she says she absolutely loves it. She's excited for me to join her :)

Last night, my little Peeko decided it would be okay for me to hold him for the FIRST TIME!! I was so happy :))) I've been waiting so long to have a bird to hold, and now I has! I did discover that he can flutter around so I may have to clip his little flying feathers. I think his favorite thing to do right now is to preen. ALWAYS. And I've been teaching him that cheek rubs are "niiice" and biting is "no, no" and "nigh nigh" and "buh bye." Hopefully it won't be too long until he gets it.

Working Christmas Day yesterday was NOT fun.. How many people do you think came up to me yesterday saying.. "Oh, that's too bad that you have to work Christmas Day..." .. Yeah well... I wouldn't have to if 200 people didn't come for the 4:00 shows.... My parents came earlier.. that was just fine.. but don't come up to me and say how much it sucks that I have to work to help YOU. No. No no no no no no no. Annoying.

I've been thinking about getting myself a Kindle. I'm not sure whether I want just a regular Kindle or the new Kindle Fire. It's a tough decision. I know 3 people now who have new Kindle Fires and they all absolutely love them. Another friend and John's parents have earlier versions of the Kindle and those work just wonderfully, but I'm still not sure if I want the whole experience or just something to read on. I know I do want to get one though because it makes textbooks cheap :P


  1. I love my Kindle Fire- I've been listening to audio books as I exercise on it (though I could do that with my older Kindle with text-to-speech), and I plan to start watching streaming videos of movies and TV shows as soon as I finish my current audio book (which I could not do on my older Kindle). Either one you choose, I think you'll love an eReader.

  2. I think I have decided to get the Fire. I like the thought of text to speech and watching tv shows. I have a lot of those to catch up on but I'm always on the go so it will be nice having something to watch them on.
